Mission Community

What 'God for all' is..

Does it sound too good to be true?

Well it isn't. Welcome to God for All.

Over the last few years, churches across Cumbria have been talking, praying and planning together.

The result is 'God for All'. By 2020 every person in Cumbria of all ages and backgrounds will have had an opportunity to discover more of God and Go's purpose for their lives, so that they will discover more of Jesus and the Good News and become followers of Jesus within a Christian community.

It brings together the different facets of the commitment of different denominations to make and grow disciples of Jesus Christ.

Across Cumbria we seek to provide an  opportunity for every person to discover more of God and God's purpose for their lives, and for churches and Christians to be encouraged and enabled to grow as disciples of Jesus Christ and live the gospel.

As part of this commiment mission communities are being established across the county. These will be intentional in mission and outreach, collaborative and supportive, enabling of people's gifts and ministries, ecumenical and include a variety of churches and styles, will establish new expressions of church alongside the traditional, and ensure a Christian presence, witness and care in every place.

We launched our Central Whitehaven Mission Community on 30th April 2017. A committee of representatives of ministers and 'lay' people from all partner churches are continuing to meet and discuss how we can develop our Mission Community in a way that enables us to serve God's plan and purpose for His church locally.

Please continue to pray for the development of our Mission Community.

The Partner Churches are


To discover more about 'God for all' and Mission Communities go to...



There are also other churches in Whitehaven, with websites-

St Begh's Roman Catholic Church http://www.stbeghschurch.co.uk

St John's Church of England, Hensingham http://stjohnshensingham.org.uk/

St Bridget's Church of England, Moresby http://stbridgetschurchmoresby.btck.co.uk/

St Andrew's Church of England, Mirehouse http://www.standrewsmirehouse.co.uk/

(These 3 churches are the East Whitehaven Mission Community)

Quaker's (meet at Egremont) http://www.quaker.org.uk/meetings/whitehaven

New Life Church http://www.nlc-online.org.uk/

Grace Church http://gracecw.org

St Mary's Roman Catholic, Kells & St Benedict's Roman Catholic, Mirehouse   http://stmaryschurchkells.org/


And other churches in Whitehaven without websites


Town Mission-in process of closure

Colliery Mission


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