Thank you for taking the time to read these few words about giving money to the Parish of Whitehaven. Giving is part of our stewardship and stewardship is a way of life, rooted in a knowledge of the extravagantly generous character of God.
Stewardship calls us to see life itself as a gift from God: our awesome world, friends, family, home, possessions, time and money are all blessings given to us by God. Stewardship also recognises that God gave us the ultimate gift in the life and death of Jesus Christ, and the gift of eternal life.
So, stewardship is our response to God as disciples of Christ. We recognise that God has given us everything and respond by joyfully giving our whole lives back to Him: our time, our talents and our money. Through Stewardship our lives reflect the abundant generosity of our Creator.
A large proportion of the money given to the Parish of Whitehaven is passed on to the Carlisle Diocese to cover the costs of ministry across the diocese. For information about how the diocese uses the money that the local church raises go to
To give to the Parish of Whitehaven, through ‘My Giving Online’ there are two options below: to make a one-off gift, or to give monthly. Please follow the secure link by clicking on the appropriate blue button and then fill in the ‘donate now’ form.
Thank You